Privacy Policy

Details about all privacy policy of FM Method

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We at FM Method Ltd. always give the priority of privacy. While providing our services expect clients to share various customer data for our perusal in the future. In a short brief below we describe how we collect user data and to whom we share it. If you think this policy is not in your favor, you are most welcome to leave.

We may collect different data from users which depends on user activities.

  1. Users need to create an account to perform any activity on our platform. The information a user provides, such as, his/her personal data like address, email, phone number, we store it in our database.
  2. From user profile data we get the photo, social profile, expertise and other relevant data.
  3. We store student’s answers and academic records in our database.
  4. We also need to store user expertise or what topic a user is interested to enroll in.
  5. User message data is also collected for our research.
  6. User payment data is also stored for the use of our system. But FM Method Ltd. never stores the credit card authentication data. We only store the name and card number for future references.
  7. We also collect user data by third-party tools like Facebook, Google Analytics and other analytics tools.

We use the users' data to provide our services and communicate with the users and to secure the platform by taking action against fraud and abuse. Customer data is also used to improve our service and analyze users' demands and feedback.

We need to share users' data in various situations. We also share data with our service provider like payment processing, data analysis, marketing, and advertising purposes. For any query on our privacy policy, you are most welcome to contact our support team.